
Welcome to the Training page. Here you will find some Handy Documentation Links which will help you work effectively with the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). Additionally, there is WavLink Video Tutorials designed specifically for this website to get you familiar and comfortable adding, editing and removing content from the WavLink website.

Handy documentation links

WavLink Video Tutorials

Please note the video controls below the video playing.

These controls help you play and pause a video, skip to a section of your choice (horizontally dragging the playhead), monitor the video duration, change the volume and finally maximise the video to full screen for easier viewing.

1. Working with the Media Library

An overview of the media library, file types and media management including adding, editing and removing media.

2. Updating the homepage

An overview of the homepage components and how they can be maintained via the administration.

3. Managing and editing Pages

An overview of the pages in the website. Also covers how to edit current pages, how to add new pages and how to delete pages that are no longer needed.

4. Managing and Editing Posts (News)

An overview of the post management which is used for the News within the website. Also covers how to edit current posts/new items, how to add new posts and how to delete posts that are no longer needed. Also looks at how posts are automatically added to the admin News and Info page.

5. Managing Course / Activities

An overview of the Activities / Courses section.

Covers how to make new Activity categories and how to create new activities and assign them in to the Activity categories.

6. Managing the menus

An overview of how to add Pages, News posts, Categories and other media into the menus located in the header and the footer of the website.

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