Wavlink History

In 1981, the Year of the Disabled Person, research by the Waverley City Council identified a lack of services for people with disabilities. An inaugural meeting of the Waverley Activity Centre Organisation was held on October 8, 1981.

A pilot woodwork program commenced in the garage of the Waverley Community Health Centre, and run by the Community Health Centre’s Occupational Therapist and volunteers. Funding was secured through applications to community organisations, service clubs, businesses and philanthropic trusts.

In 1982 a house at 33 Montclair Avenue, Glen Waverley, was modified for people with disabilities and made available rent-free by the Waverley City Council. Service clubs provided access for the physically disabled by building ramps and modifying the garage. On September 30th 1982 the first Annual General Meeting was held at the official opening, and the name of the organisation was changed to Wavlink.

Participant numbers gradually increased, and Wavlink was funded as a Neighbourhood House, becoming an Incorporated Association on December 19, 1985. Waverley Council acknowledged the need for larger premises.

In 1990 Waverley Council purchased a house on Myrtle Street and spent $129,000 to renovate and extend it. Saturday, June 29 1991 saw the official opening of Wavlink’s new home by the Mayor, Cr. Heffernan.

In 1999 an Access and Equity report identified the need for improvement in Wavlink’s access and facilities. In 2000 funding was secured through Monash Council, Wavlink and the Department of Human Services to conduct major renovations. On April 9, 2001 the newly refurbished Wavlink was officially opened by the Monash Council Mayor, Cr. Tom Morrissey.

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